How to take care of your tattoo

The art of care is the key to a beautiful tattoo
A great tattoo is not only the result of skillful craftsmanship but also the client’s attention to the tattoo during the healing period. In this guide, I will discuss proper tattoo care, sharing recommendations.
Every artist provides their advice on healing, considering different techniques, styles, and skin characteristics. It’s important to note that recommendations from one artist may not always be suitable for another’s work. Also, consider your body’s individual characteristics by informing your artist in advance.


  • Ensure a good night’s sleep and have a full breakfast for sustained energy.
  • Avoid alcohol consumption within 24 hours.
  • Limit coffee and energy drinks before the session.
  • Do not attend with an illness to avoid overloading the immune system.
  • Body’s reaction after the session

    • Fatigue, dizziness, or fainting may occur.
    • Increased temperature or headaches are possible.
    • Swelling or bruising may appear around the tattoo.
  • I recommend eating well and going to bed early after the session for better recovery.

  • Tattoo care

    The healing process takes 7−14 days, with full skin regeneration in 28−30 days. I’ll divide it into stages with corresponding recommendations.
  • If you have known immune system issues, consulting a doctor to select a vitamin complex is recommended. Take vitamins before the session and during the tattoo healing process to support regeneration and reduce the body’s load.

  • Essential products for tattoo care

    • Healing cream .
    • Liquid antibacterial soap.
    • Water-based antiseptic for skin.
    • Cling film to cover the tattoo.
    • Patch to secure the wrap.


  • CARE

    • Wash your hands with soap several times to reduce the risk of bacteria entering the open wound.
    • Rinse the tattoo with warm water and antibacterial soap 2−3 times. The skin should be clean, free from cream or residue.
    • Allow the skin to air dry for 10−30 minutes to prevent irritation.
    • Use a water-based antiseptic in the first 3−4 days to reduce the risk of infection.
    • Allow the skin to dry for an additional 10−15 minutes.
    • Apply a thin layer of tattoo ointment with clean hands, avoiding excessive use.
    • Cover the tattoo with cling film to minimize the risk of infection, fungi, or allergic reactions.

    • Do not touch the tattoo with dirty hands.
    • Avoid using a dirty towel to wipe the tattoo.
    • Do not scratch the tattoo.
    • If scabs form, do not pick them.
    • You can shower but avoid hot baths, sauna, or swimming in pools or open water.
    • Refrain from sports activities for 7−14 days.
    • Do not wear a bandage all day; change it at least 5 times a day.
    • Use only the creams recommended by your artist. If unsure, contact them for clarification.
    • Avoid tanning.

    • During these days, change the bandage at least 5 times a day, including before bedtime, and repeat the procedure in the morning.
    • Take a break from sports for 7−14 days to avoid skin injury and infection. Avoid bathing in open water, visiting spas and saunas. Prevent contact with the hair and saliva of pets. If issues arise after contact with animals, rinse the tattoo with antibacterial soap and antiseptic. If signs of infection appear, consult a doctor for proper treatment.

DAYS 4−14

    • On days 4−5, you don’t need to cover the tattoo, but use the cream at least 5 times a day for moisturizing. If the cream is absorbed quickly, use it more often.
    • Apply the cream in a thin layer.
  • For resuming sports after 7 days: apply cream before exercising, and after, rinse the tattoo and reapply the cream.

DAYS 14−30

    • Use cream 2−3 times a day. This will soften your skin, aiding in faster recovery.
    • Avoid tanning, as the skin is still healing, and pigment may be more vulnerable to UV, affecting the tattoo’s brightness.
    • You can engage in sports, swim, and visit saunas.
    • If you encounter healing issues, describe them in a message and attach photos for a more accurate assessment. A studio visit for consultation is also possible. In case of infection or allergy, consult a doctor, avoiding self-application of medications.
    • After 3−4 weeks, it’s recommended to visit the studio for a tattoo healing assessment. If some pigment is lost, don’t worry — it can be corrected with a free touch-up within 6 months. It’s advisable to do the touch-up 4−6 weeks after the last session.


  • Tanned skin

    Avoid attending a session with heavily tanned skin. Please wait until the tan diminishes for better tattoo healing.
  • Dry skin

    Use moisturizing cream or cream with vitamin "E" a week before the session for improved application and tattoo quality. It’s crucial to use cream more often during the healing process.
  • Damaged, scarred skin

    Give damaged skin time to recover before the session. If there are fresh scars, discuss them with the artist before getting a tattoo. Old scars usually require minor touch-ups after healing.
  • Sensitive skin

    Our company works according to the principle of individual approach to every client. This method allows us to achieve success in problems of all levels.
  • Oily, porous skin

    Avoid prolonged use of the wrap; let the skin breathe. After rinsing the tattoo, give the skin enough time to dry. Use cream moderately, no more than 5 times a day. If irritation or pimples appear, you may be using the cream too often. Also, ensure timely bandage changes to avoid clogging pores.
  • Mature skin

    For dry and thin skin, it’s essential to moisturize, especially a week before the session, using cream with vitamin "E". This will give the skin elasticity, reducing trauma during tattooing. Let the skin breathe, avoiding prolonged bandage use. Start with two days with a bandage, then in the next 2−3days, use it if the tattooed area may come into contact with clothing or dirty surfaces. Rinse frequently and let the skin fully dry before applying cream.



    Control the cream application process, avoiding both excessive and insufficient use.


    Most ink manufacturers aim to use hypoallergenic pigments, but there’s always a risk. Those prone to allergies are more susceptible, so it’s crucial to discuss existing issues before the session. Allergic reactions can also result from soap, oils, or petroleum jelly used during the process, or from a reaction to tattoo healing cream. If symptoms arise, consult a doctor and follow their instructions.


    Infections during the session are rare due to sterile materials, but the possibility is often linked to poor tattoo care.

    If infection signs appear, it’s commonly a staph infection. However, a tattoo artist isn’t a doctor, so seeking medical help is vital. Infections are treatable, but prompt professional advice is crucial. After full recovery, corrections can be made to restore the tattoo.


    • Washing the tattoo with dirty hands or applying cream with dirty hands.
    • Contact with dirty clothing or surfaces.
    • Visiting the gym, swimming in open water, or pools post-session.
    • Working in dirty or dusty environments after the session.
    • Contact with pets, animal hair, or saliva entering an open wound.
    • Prolonged use of film without replacement and thorough tattoo care.
  • I hope this information was not only interesting but also helpful in caring for your tattoos and skin.

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